LENA WESTERLUND focuses on illustrations and prints, a passion that has developed through her work and experience in fashion design.

Lena has a Master in collection design from Polimoda in Florence, Italy and has also studied illustration at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm. During her studies an interest and focus on illustrations, material development and print design increased further. 

Lena works with a variety of techniques, but particularly with pencil, ink and water color as well as digital. Her style could be described as playful yet sensitive.

Apart from her interest in fashion design and textiles, her inspiration mainly comes from people, architecture, music, travels and nature.

Lena works with a clear idea throughout each new project. Along the process, she values communication with you as client to ensure that you receive the desired results.

LENA WESTERLUND focuses on illustrations and prints, a passion that has developed through her work and experience in fashion design. Lena has a master in collection design from Polimoda in Florence, where the  interest for art increased further.